Moustache Season Arrives As Movember Kicks-Off Annual Fundraising Campaign

This November, Americans will see more moustaches walking the streets as Movember kicks-off its 12th annual campaign across the United States, returning with its month-long fundraiser challenging men and women to sign up on and Grow, Move or Host to help raise funds and awareness for men’s health. To date, through moustaches grown and conversations generated, Movember has proudly welcomed nearly six million supporters and helped fund over 1,250 innovative men’s health projects across twenty countries. 

In the US, the stats around men’s health are shocking. Each year, more than 174,500 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer. More than 3 million men are living with the disease.  Globally, every minute, a man dies by suicide. In the United States, 3 out of 4 suicides are men. Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young men, and although in most cases the outcome for men with the disease is positive, a 95% chance of survival is of no comfort to the one in twenty who won’t make it. Funds raised during Movember (and all year round) go towards funding innovative global programs and research aimed at these primary cause areas, with the intent of tackling these stats head-on and reducing the number of men dying prematurely by 25% by 2030.

Mo Bros and Mo Sisters planning to join the movement should sign up at and create a Mo Space, where they will choose to Grow, Move or Host in the name of men’s health and choose a fundraising goal. 

  • GROW: A moustache. On Movember 1st, men are encouraged to shave their faces clean and grow just a moustache for the month. Wear it proudly – your Mo is the easiest way to start a conversation about men’s health.
  • MOVE: You don’t need to be an athlete to sign-up to Move. Fundraisers can run or walk 60 miles over the month – that’s 60 miles for the 60 men lost to suicide each hour, around the world that’s a man every minute.
  • HOST: For party-planners, Host encourages Mo Bros and Mo Sisters to organize an event – from a trivia night, to a potluck, or happy hour at work. Events help gather your Mo community together and raise funds for men’s health.

Movember is committed to changing the face of men’s health and is active year-round promoting positive programs for men. The charity recognizes globally, men are dying six years earlier than women due to preventable or treatable health issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide. Movember is committed to ensuring women and men worldwide can have as much time as possible with their dads, brothers, uncles, partners and friends. 

For more information, visit

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