RAB and the Ad Council Launch New Model to Offer Advertisers Opportunity to Integrate with Social Good Campaigns

RAB, the not-for-profit trade association representing America’s broadcast radio industry, and the Ad Council are launching a new program to offer advertisers sponsorable, broadcast-ready public service advertisements (PSAs). This initiative is reimagining the traditional PSA donated media model by offering radio broadcasters the ability to bring their local, regional and national brand advertisers the opportunity to sponsor important purpose-based messages that will inspire consumer trust and support the communities they serve.

The initiative officially kicks off on May 22 with a joint RAB and Ad Council live online presentation featuring an overview of the program for RAB members. The effort is timed to coincide with Mental Health Awareness Month, with all sponsorable assets promoting “Love, Your Mind,” the mental health campaign developed by Huntsman Mental Health Institute and the Ad Council. 

“We’re excited for the opportunity to collaborate with the Ad Council and Huntsman Mental Health Institute to take an innovative approach to the traditional radio PSA that benefits radio stations, their brand partners and local communities alike,” said Mike Hulvey, president and chief executive officer, RAB. “It is our vision that this new local and advertiser-friendly approach will become the standard for purpose-based initiatives in partnership with the Ad Council. We’re equally honored to kick off this important work during Mental Health Awareness Month.”

Radio station sellers will be provided with a toolkit complete with a customizable presentation and all taggable/sponsorable “Love, Your Mind” creative assets including: 

  • :30 and :60 radio commercials in English and Spanish
  • short-form spots
  • copy for host-read ads
  • digital assets 
  • guidelines and approval processes for additional partnership ideas that go beyond the provided assets 

“This new partnership with RAB marks an innovative extension of their longtime support of the Ad Council,” said DJ Perera, chief media officer, the Ad Council. “We’re grateful to RAB and radio broadcasters across the country for their ongoing commitment to using the power of advertising, media and technology to advance the most important issues facing our country.”

The customized radio campaign was produced by Audio Milkshake’s Chief Creative Officer and Founder Tony Mennuto, building on the “Love, Your Mind” creative platform originally developed by FCB. The campaign PSAs remind everyone to nurture their relationship with their mind, and direct audiences to LoveYourMindToday.org for free mental health resources.

Registration for the RAB/Ad Council “Lead with Purpose” live presentation takes place at noon Central Time on Wednesday, May 22 and is free for RAB members. The presentation will also be available for on-demand viewing. To register, click here.

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