PepsiCo Beverages North America announces funding for four additional water replenishment projects driving further progress toward goal of becoming Net Water Positive by 2030

PepsiCo Beverages North America (PBNA) has announced a commitment to fund four additional water replenishment projects in California and Florida. These four projects aim to advance PepsiCo’s ambitious efforts to achieve their goal to replenish back into the local watersheds more than 100% of the water used at company-owned and third-party sites in high water-risk areas by 2030, part of the company’s broader vision to become Net Water Positive by 2030.  “Replenishing regional water supplies is a crucial element of tracking toward our pep+ (PepsiCo Positive) vision of becoming net…

Net Zero Standard for North American Banks released as a guide for investors and banks

Ceres has released a Net Zero Standard for North American Banks, setting out investor expectations for U.S. and Canadian banks on transitioning to a net zero emissions economy. Based on the Net Zero Standard for Banks published June 5th, 2023 by the Institutional Investor Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) and developed in consultation with the Transition Pathway Initiative Global Climate Transition Center, the Standard has been adapted for the North American market and is a guide for investors to use in engaging with banks and for banks to use in…

Kellogg’s Better Days® Promise has created Better Days for over 1.8 billion people since 2015

More than a century ago, W.K. Kellogg, the founder of Kellogg Company, started his business with the belief that part of running a good business was doing good for society. Today, that belief lives on with our Kellogg’s Better Days® Promise strategy, which has created #BetterDays for more than 1.8 billion people since 2015. View File Download File KelloggCompany-Infographic-2022BetterDaysPromise In 2022, the company evolved its ESG strategy to further focus on the four critical issues on which it can have the biggest impact. By addressing the intersection of wellbeing, hunger,…

Discover the laureates of the 25th L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Awards

The Fondation L’Oréal and UNESCO are proud to announce the five 2023 laureates of the For Women in Science International Awards. On 15th June, the Fondation L’Oréal and UNESCO will honor these distinguished women scientists from five major regions of the world with exceptional careers for the contribution to society of their research in Physical sciences, Mathematics and Computer science. The unique ceremony, which will take place at UNESCO’s Headquarters in Paris, will also be the opportunity to celebrate 25 years of the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Programme, which…

Frito-Lay Expedites 2040 Net-Zero Emissions Goal with Over 700 Electric Delivery Vehicles

Frito-Lay has announced it will deploy over 700 electric delivery vehicles in the U.S. by the end of 2023. The vehicle deployments are expected to lower emissions by 7,052 metric tons of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions annually, equivalent to 1,533 passenger cars removed from the road. Paired with advancements in regenerative agriculture, water saving technology, packaging innovation and more, the move reflects the PepsiCo division’s significant progress toward its PepsiCo Positive sustainability goals. “Our mission is to create more smiles and a brighter future with every bite,” said Steven Williams,…