Stop Handgun Violence (SHV) launched a new public awareness campaign this week to drive home the dangers of 3D printed firearms. In a newly released video, still 3D images of students holding backpacks and books as they enter their high school turn haunting as teenagers are shown trying to barricade a door and climb through windows to escape an active shooter. Following horrifying scenes of a mass shooting at a nondescript high school that could be anywhere, the video concludes with a rallying cry for people to contact their congresspersons…
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DAGOMA launches operation HARMLESS GUNS
3D printers are a veritable revolution. It is possible to print anything at home: from decorative objects to figurines or even artificial limbs. To do it, all you need to do is download the blueprint files for any of the millions of items available online. Unfortunately, among these items are files to print real firearms. Accessible without restrictions and in just a few clicks, anyone who owns a 3D printer can manufacture fully functioning weapons at home that are untraceable and undetectable. They’re untraceable because 3D printed firearms have no…
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