Leadership Story Lab Publishes Ranking of 30 B Corp Family Businesses

Edelman Barometer shows that trust in family businesses has been waning over the last few years, dropping six points in their 2022 report. As corporate citizenship has developed, consumers expect companies to espouse and demonstrate their commitments to causes like the environment, just supply chains, and social issues. Family businesses often have these values ingrained in them from their founding, yet it appears many are failing to communicate their long standing commitments.  To understand how well family businesses are communicating their values, Leadership Story Lab (LSL), a storytelling coaching, consulting…

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UK B Corp community reaches 2,000

ompanies are leading the shift to better business as the UK B Corp community reaches its latest milestone. Today, B Lab UK reveals that there are officially 2,000 Certified B Corporations in the UK — a figure that has doubled in just 18 months. Certified B Corporations, or B Corps, are businesses that prioritise people and the planet alongside profit. They measure and improve their impact on their employees, customers, local communities and the environment and make a legal commitment to ensure this expanded duty of care is locked in…

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Bodhi Resourcing recruits first female director and unveils B Corp plans

Bodhi Resourcing has strengthened its leadership team and expanded its operations with the recruitment of industry specialist, Cathy Knight.  A well-known resourcing expert within the marketing sector, Cathy’s role as People Operations and Client Services Director will see her develop a dedicated new marketing and creative recruitment division, while accelerating the company’s strategic goals and sustainability ambitions.  As Bodhi’s first female director, Cathy’s appointment also underlines the company’s commitment to encouraging a more diverse workforce.  Supporting the creative sector Cathy’s knowledge, contacts and experience will enable Bodhi to expand its existing…

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The L’OCCITANE Group is now B Corp™ certified

The L’OCCITANE Group, a pioneer in premium sustainable beauty and wellness, is proud to announce that it is now a certified B Corporation™. This is an exciting milestone that builds on the Group’s ongoing commitment to creating positive change by empowering the communities it invests in, protecting biodiversity, reducing waste and mitigating climate change. With certification, the Group joins a global community of like-minded businesses that share a collective vision of creating an inclusive, equitable and regenerative economy to be a force for good in the world. What sets B…

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Preliminary Consultation Suggests New B Corp Standards Are Ambitious yet Attainable

A report released by B Lab suggests that draft new standards for B Corp certified companies, currently in development, represent an ambitious yet attainable goal for business leaders looking to be a force for good. The report, which outlines feedback from a consultation conducted by B Lab in late 2022, reveals that of a sample of over 1,000 businesses, public and academic stakeholders: 86% of B Corp respondents and 87% of non-B Corp respondents think the new draft standards represent high standards for social and environmental performance and will help…

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