The BBC has launched the Beyond Fake News project with the release of findings from original BBC research into how and why disinformation is shared. Around the globe, disinformation has been seen to cause social and political harm, with people having less trust in the news, or in some cases being subjected to violence or death as a result. The BBC’s Beyond Fake News project aims to fight back with a major focus on global media literacy, panel debates in India and Kenya, hackathons exploring tech solutions and a special…
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New BBC research shows nationalism is driving the spread of fake news
People in India are sharing fake news stories with nationalistic messages for ‘nation building’ purposes, with consolidation of national identity taking precedence over the need to fact-check a story, new BBC research has found. The finding comes from the first published study analysing the spread of fake news from the perspective of ordinary citizens. The report examines networks within Twitter and analyses how people are sharing on encrypted messaging apps, after users gave the BBC unprecedented access to their phones. This research comes as part of the BBC Beyond Fake…
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