GCCA announces new partnerships between global manufacturers and tech start-ups, as work on low carbon concrete steps up.

New partnerships between cement manufacturers and tech start-ups, to work together on the development of low carbon concrete, have been announced by the industry’s leading membership body, the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA). EnviCore, based in Canada, Queens Carbon and Chement, both in the USA, and NeoCrete in New Zealand, were all shortlisted last year, as part of the GCCA’ Innovandi Open Challenge Programme. They have all now formed a partnership with at least five GCCA member companies and leading manufacturers, who will support and evaluate their technologies. Their…

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New entrepreneur network brings start-ups and leading cement producers together in pursuit of net zero goal

The GCCA has recently launched the third programme in its Innovandi brand, the Innovandi Entrepreneur Network. The network brings together start-ups that are developing technologies relevant to decarbonisation across the cement and concrete value chain and enables them to network with GCCA members. Concrete is the second most used substance on earth after water and is vital for much of our modern infrastructure. In 2021, the world’s leading producers, representing 80% of global production outside of China (as well as a number of leading Chinese manufacturers) became the first ‘heavy’…

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New Report Highlights Decarbonisation Progress Of Global Cement Industry

The extensive work being carried out by the world’s cement and concrete industry and its leading industry body, the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA), to cut CO₂ emissions, is set out in a newly published report, launched at CO28 in Dubai. Development of carbon capture and storage, increasing use of alternative energy and the adoption of new materials and technology, are among the levers being used to cut emissions. Concrete is the second most used substance on earth after water and vital for much of our modern infrastructure. In…

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UN General Secretary backs cement and concrete leaders in united rallying call for action on net zero

The Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, has issued a call to action, alongside the CEOs of major cement and concrete manufacturers, for the industry to redouble its efforts, and to work in partnership with governments, to reach net zero. The united rallying call has been made by the Chief Executive of the Global Cement and Concrete Association, Thomas Guillot, together with the leaders of GCCA member companies, as they begin a major conference in Zurich.  Concrete is the second most-used material on earth after water and the…

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Global cement industry announces new programme of support for sustainable technologies – as ‘Open Challenge’ for brightest innovation start-ups unveils first partnerships

The Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) has revealed the first six start-ups that will be backed by its member companies as part of the first ever Innovandi ‘Open Challenge’ in the race to ‘net zero’ by 2050. The six start-ups, which were chosen from more than 100 entrants to the Open Challenge, hail from the USA, Canada, UK, Italy and the Netherlands. They have now joined forces with world-leading cement companies to help drive further innovation in the industry and will each form part of formal consortia to further…

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