AWS, Digital Realty, Google, Meta, Microsoft and Schneider Electric Call for Supplier Action to Help Decarbonize Digital Infrastructure

The Governing Body of the iMasons Climate Accord, a program of Infrastructure Masons, is calling on all suppliers serving data centers to support greater transparency in Scope 3 emissions as part of broader efforts to reduce the industry’s carbon footprint. Consisting of AWS, Digital Realty, Google, Meta, Microsoft and Schneider Electric, the Governing Body released an open letter today that explains the importance of widespread adoption of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), which are standardized, third-party-verified documents reporting the embodied emissions of a product. EPDs outline the greenhouse gas emissions of…

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Ørsted enters into new major agreement on carbon removal with Microsoft

In a landmark deal, Ørsted will sell a further one million tonnes of carbon removal over a ten-year period to Microsoft from Avedøre Power Station, which is part of the bioenergy carbon capture and storage (BECCS) project ‘Ørsted Kalundborg CO2 Hub’. This new agreement builds on an existing commitment by Microsoft to buy 2.67 million tonnes from Asnæs Power Station, bringing the total purchase under contract to 3.67 million tonnes of CO2. As part of the ‘Ørsted Kalundborg CO2 Hub’, Ørsted will establish carbon capture at its wood chip-fired Asnæs…

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12% more breast cancers detected with potential workload savings of 30% in the UK’s first prospective evaluation of breast screening AI

An artificial intelligence (AI) breast screening solution called Mia helped doctors find an additional 12% more cancers than in routine practice, as announced today by Kheiron Medical Technologies, NHS Grampian, the University of Aberdeen and Microsoft. If deployed across the entire NHS, a 12% uplift in the detection of breast cancer could lead to better outcomes for thousands of women across the UK. The augmented AI workflow also showed a decrease in women recalled unnecessarily for further assessment and modelled a workload reduction of up to 30%. Original mammogram which…

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Chestnut Carbon to Deliver High-Quality Carbon Removal Credits through a Multi-year Offtake Agreement with Microsoft

Chestnut Carbon (“Chestnut”), a nature-based carbon removal developer founded by private investment firm Kimmeridge Energy Management Company, LLC  has announced that it has entered into a multi-year offtake agreement to provide Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) with high-quality, nature-based carbon removal derived entirely from a novel afforestation project based in the United States. This is the largest afforestation project certified under the Gold Standard to date, and a testament to the scalability of high-quality nature-based solutions. Through a first-of-its-kind 15-year offtake agreement for nature-based credits, Chestnut will deliver 362,000 tons of projected…

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Danfoss, Google, Microsoft and Schneider Electric join forces in new Innovation Hub to accelerate green transition of data centres

Danfoss, Google, Microsoft and Schneider Electric are the founders of a new innovation hub in Fredericia, Denmark, that will bring together the data centre sector across Europe to find concrete solutions to accelerate the green transition. The Hub is open to other partners across Europe. Cloud computing plays a vital role in the digital and green transformation of society – enabling people to benefit from digital tools and businesses to work more efficiently and grow. In the past decade alone, the number of internet users has doubled – and global…

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