The Hunger Project UK & Kaptcha shares their vision of a world without hunger

As you walk into your local supermarket for your weekly grocery shop or grab a quick takeaway lunch from the café in your office, it’s worth remembering how privileged we are to be in a position with such ease of access to food; when currently 1 in 10 people are living in hunger and poverty globally, and 60% of these people being women and girls. The Hunger Project (THP) is on a mission to break this cycle of hunger and poverty by putting the power into the hands of those affected.…

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Invest in maternal nutrition to end world hunger: World Hunger Day 2024

Globally, 1 in 10 people go to bed hungry every night and 3 billion people can’t afford a healthy, nutritious diet. This World Hunger Day on Tuesday 28th May, The Hunger Project was urging investment in nutrition for mothers to break the cycle of malnutrition and hunger affecting millions worldwide. The 2024 theme, “Thriving Mothers, Thriving World,” highlights the critical role of maternal nutrition in ending global hunger. Despite producing enough food to feed everyone, over 1 billion adolescent girls and women suffer from malnutrition. The effects are passed down…

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World Hunger Day 2024 Campaign Theme Announced

The Hunger Project, a global non-profit organisation creating a world without hunger, has announced its theme for this year’s World Hunger Day, to be held on 28th May 2024.  “Thriving Mothers. Thriving World.” focuses on the tie between a mother’s nutrition and her child’s potential. From Gaza to Ukraine and points in between, women and children are facing malnutrition due to war, famine, climate change and many other factors. This year’s campaign theme raises awareness about steps that we can take to eliminate malnutrition in all its forms to create…

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The Hunger Project calls urgent attention to the “cost of dying crisis”

This World Hunger Day (28 May), the Ukraine crisis risks tipping up to 1.7 billion people — over one-fifth of humanity — into poverty, destitution and hunger, according to the Global Crisis Response Group on Food, Energy and Finance (GCRG).   With most media attention focused on the UK “cost of living crisis”, global charity The Hunger Project wants to call urgent attention to the “cost of dying crisis” rapidly emerging globally. Months of warnings about a global hunger pandemic, have largely been ignored. This comes at a time when…

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