SPREADING a message of kindness this Christmas, Virgin Trains will be painting the script of iconic festive film ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ on station platforms from London to Glasgow. The script will be painted behind the yellow line that runs the length of station platforms and will use the same yellow paint. Frank Capra’s 1946 film, which is a staple of the Christmas TV schedules, is an uplifting story of family, love, hope, and redemption. But it is also the story of one man’s struggle with a life that hasn’t gone…
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Virgin Trains to stop selling Daily Mail on-board because it ‘is not compatible with our beliefs’
Further to our blog about brand placement or blackmail, it has been announced that Virgin Trains are going to stop selling the controversial Daily Mail Newspaper on their trains. The Daily Mail was one of a handful of newspapers the train operator sold in its on-board shop and gave away to first class passengers. A spokesperson for Virgin Trains said it regularly reviewed products sold onboard, adding that “after listening to feedback from our people” it decided to stop stocking copies of the paper. The company stated in an internal memo, that it…
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