The Seniors Center Introduces #KeepOurTrust Pledge Campaign

The Seniors Center, launched a bold new initiative called #KeepOurTrust. This initiative will obtain pledges from Members of Congress to fix Social Security financing for current and future beneficiaries.

The Social Security Pledge marks an original grassroots undertaking for the organization. For the first time, constituents will ask their representatives in Congress to publicly pledge, and to go on record, to support legislation that will fix Social Security financing.

“Over the years, we’ve collected hundreds of thousands of petitions from our supporters calling for the same thing again and again: we want assurances that Social Security taxes are only ever going to be used for paying Social Security benefits,” said the Senior Center’s President, Dan Perrin.

“We cannot delay this conversation; the time has come when lawmakers must address this inevitable issue. We can’t pretend the problem will fix itself. Even Social Security’s Trustees forecast a permanent 25% decrease in Social Security benefits by 2034.”

In the coming months The Seniors Center will organize constituents in each of the 435 Congressional districts. “We will have thousands of constituents ready to ask the members of the 116th Congress to start devising a way to fix Social Security financing,” adds Perrin.

The Pledge asks two things of Congress:

  • To fix the gap in Social Security Trust Fund financing, preventing a permanent 25% decrease in Social Security benefits by about 2034;
  • And prevent spending of Social Security Trust Fund taxes for any purpose other than Social Security Benefits.

Each Congressional signer will be publicly announced at and social media so constituents know which elected officials have pledged to fight on behalf of Social Security beneficiaries.  “Seniors and future beneficiaries are not going to stop putting pressure on their elected officials until there is a majority of Congress supporting legislation to fix Social Security. This issue should be a top priority for the 116th Congress,” declares Perrin.

To learn more about the #KeepOurTrust campaign and pledge, visit

The Seniors Center is a program of Our Generation, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization.

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