Starting on this years World Mental Health Day in October, YMCA is urging everyone to break the silence over mental health by initiating small but meaningful conversations with friends, colleagues and even strangers as part of their Small Talks, Big Difference initiative.
Everyone struggles at times with their mental health, especially over the past 18 months, and yet speaking openly about it can still feel like an extremely daunting prospect. To help make this a little easier, YMCA is asking people to take 15 minutes of their day this October for Tea Talks, and have devised a simple TALK plan to kick things off:
Take the time to engage and check in with those around you; Ask twice about how they are feeling to break through the common ‘I’m fine’ response; Learn to listen by being patient and don’t cut people off; and Keep it up – don’t stop after one chat, keep checking in with each other.
As part of their TALK plan, packages will be available for Tea Talks in local YMCAs across England and Wales, including tea bags and key cards with questions and tips for initiating and progressing positive small talks to help tackle the big issue of mental health.
Denise Hatton, Chief Executive of YMCA England & Wales said:
“Mental health means different things to different people, but a resounding and uniting element is the need for support, openness, and continued work to remove the stigma from one of the most debilitating illnesses affecting so many people right now.
“The most recent statistics from NHS Digital revealed that one-in-five 17-to-22-year-olds are now identified as having a probable mental health disorder, with rates for those aged between 17 and 19 rising significantly from 10.1% in 2017 to 17.4% in 2021.
“Inciting and continuing the conversation around mental health has never been more important, and Small Talks is all about breaking down barriers and breaking the silence in order to do just that. In taking the time to have these conversations and ensure that we all make ourselves available to listen, everyone can have a positive impact on the mental health of those around them.
“Through their Tea Talks and TALK guide, YMCA is encouraging people to check in regularly, creating a vital support network of people to help lighten the load, not just on World Mental Health Day, but all year round.”
YMCAs connect almost 72,000 young people with someone to talk to or a helping hand, offering specialist guidance and practical skills to best equip them to overcome whatever challenges they may face.