Ypeople is a charity with almost 200 years of history, having been one of the world’s first members of the YMCA movement. Two centuries later, they feel they are a different organisation, and at the Ypeople staff conference CEO Joe Connolly announced our disaffiliation from YMCA Scotland.
“We’re extremely proud of our long standing YMCA history but the growth in our range of services and expansion of our geography means that as an organisation we’re no longer compatible with the YMCA model of a federation of local services.
“As a result, via a mutual agreement with YMCA Scotland, we’ve taken the decision to disaffiliate from the Association.
“The charity has undergone many changes over the last 195 years but our central purpose remains the same – supporting positive change in people’s lives. We offer a wide range of services to reach the widest demographic we can in Scotland. We work hard for those who need us and we will always provide services to achieve the most we can for our service users.
“We wish YMCA Scotland and the wider YMCA movement well for the future and will continue to value and cherish our rich heritage.”