The One Club for Creativity announced the 2023 launch of COLORFUL, a grant program for Young Guns 21 to help young BIPOC creatives around the world advance their careers. There is no fee to apply, and the grant is open globally to BIPOC creatives who qualify for the club’s prestigious Young Guns 21 competition: they must be aged 30 years and under with at least two years of professional creative experience, and cannot have previously won Young Guns in the past. Candidates submit links to six projects in their portfolio,…
Read MoreDay: 6 May 2023
Unilever in the UK publishes 2022 Gender Pay Report
Unilever have published their latest gender pay gap report with the following news post on their webpage: Today we published our gender pay results for the sixth year, in line with the government’s Gender Pay regulations introduced in April 2017*. As required by government regulation for gender pay reporting, more detailed figures from our two main employing entities in the UK have been published. These are Unilever UK Limited, representing our UK specific operations, including factories, and Unilever UK Central Resources Limited, representing our global functions based in the UK…
Read MoreUNHCR and Platon launch collaboration to bring refugee voices, aspirations into focus
Portrait of a Stranger, a creative multimedia collaboration between world-renowned photographer and storyteller Platon, and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, will debuted in March in partnership with the Movies That Matter International Human Rights Film Festival in The Hague, Netherlands. The 18-minute film features interviews and portraits of over 20 refugees who fled conflict and persecution in various parts of the world, exploring the universal desire to be free, safe, respected and valued, and to belong. Over the last year, UNHCR and Platon interviewed a diverse group of refugees ranging…
Read MoreCAP – Enforcement Notice on ‘free trials’ and other promotional subscription models
The ASA/CAP have released a post called: Enforcement Notice on ‘free trials’ and other promotional subscription models. I have enclosed the text of the link below, but please have a look at the ASA/CAP site as there are lots of things of interest to anyone with an interest in Ethical Marketing. Today, we published a new Enforcement Notice about the digital advertising of “free trials” and other promotional subscription models. In recent years, the subscription market has seen huge growth, in part accelerated by lockdown. Consumers can choose from a wide…
Read MoreBBC appoints new Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Disability Lead
I’m really pleased to have been appointed to this important role for our national broadcaster. I’m looking forward to building on the good work of my colleagues and predecessors to further improve accessibility and facilities for disabled colleagues, which will be to the benefit of all our staff and users of the BBC’s first-rate services. Robbie Crow, Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Disability Lead The BBC have appointed Robbie Crow as the Corporation’s Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Disability Lead. Robbie started in post on Monday 27 March and will be…
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