CAP – Food for thought – Environmental claims in food advertising

The ASA/CAP have released a post called: Food for thought – Environmental claims in food advertising. I have enclosed the text of the link below, but please have a look at the ASA/CAP site as there are lots of things of interest to anyone with an interest in Ethical Marketing. Established by the United Nations in 1972, World Environment Day (5 June) is a platform for raising awareness and encouraging action on environmental issues. Indeed, the ASA & CAP have been regulating environmental claims in advertising for nearly as long.…

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CAP – Non-‘exhaust’ive guidance on advertising electric vehicles

The ASA/CAP have released a post called: Non-‘exhaust’ive guidance on advertising electric vehicles. I have enclosed the text of the link below, but please have a look at the ASA/CAP site as there are lots of things of interest to anyone with an interest in Ethical Marketing. With the number of electric and hybrid vehicles (EVs) on the market continuing to accelerate, the messaging contained in their advertising is increasingly important to consumers. As some form of electrified powertrain appears in a growing number of different types of vehicles, clarity…

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CAP – (Responsibly) dispose of any green disposal uncertainties

The ASA/CAP have released a post called: (Responsibly) dispose of any green disposal uncertainties. I have enclosed the text of the link below, but please have a look at the ASA/CAP site as there are lots of things of interest to anyone with an interest in Ethical Marketing. Last year the ASA commissioned independent research to consider consumer understanding of green disposal claims in advertising, as part of its wider Climate Change and the Environment project. If you didn’t catch the announcement of that via the ASA’s Greenspeaking with Confidence…

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CAP – Royally important advice on Royalty in ads

The ASA/CAP have released a post called: Royally important advice on Royalty in ads. I have enclosed the text of the link below, but please have a look at the ASA/CAP site as there are lots of things of interest to anyone with an interest in Ethical Marketing. While marketers may be tempted to link their campaigns to members of the Royal Family or Royal occasions, they should be mindful of the rules.  Read on for the key ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ when referring to the Royal Family in ads. Only in limited circumstances…

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CAP – In-game purchases: guidance review

The ASA/CAP have released a post called: In-game purchases: guidance review. I have enclosed the text of the link below, but please have a look at the ASA/CAP site as there are lots of things of interest to anyone with an interest in Ethical Marketing. In 2021, CAP and BCAP published new guidance on the advertising of in-game purchases. This set out what advertisers must do to advertise in-game purchases, and the games that feature them, responsibly and without misleading consumers. The games industry is growing, and CAP has completed…

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