49,000 farmers have restored their degraded farmland through an agroforestry technique called the Forest Garden Approach. With training from regenerative agriculture nonprofit Trees for the Future (TREES), farmers have planted a combined 300 million trees on their land. “This land before was unproductive, but now you can see it is very productive. I’ve planted a big Forest Garden. I’ve already planted over 7,200 seedlings,” says Kenyan farmer Mary Ndanzu. Forest Gardens are made up of thousands of trees and dozens of different food and resource crops. Farmers are able to…
Read MoreDay: 16 June 2023
CISL’s energy efficient Entopia Building shortlisted for the AJ100 Awards 2023
Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)’s green office retrofit, the Entopia Building, has been shortlisted for the Architects’ Journal (AJ) 100 Awards 2023. The AJ100 Awards celebrate the achievements of the UK’s largest architecture practices, including those leading the way on sustainability. Entopia has been shortlisted in the ‘Collaboration of the Year’ category alongside four other contenders. The Entopia Building is an energy-efficient, sustainable retrofit. What used to be a 1930s telephone exchange is now a world-leading example of ‘deep green’ retrofit, aiming for BREEAM certification (Outstanding), the Passivhaus ‘EnerPHit’…
Read MoreThe International Labour Organization goes Open Access
The International Labour Organization (ILO) has implemented an Open Access policy that will make the use of all its knowledge products easier. The launch of the ILO Open Access policy supports the fundamental ethic that results of publicly funded research or work should be made available to the public to use, with the goal of increasing accessibility, visibility and impact. As of 3 May 2023, all new ILO knowledge products will be freely available for use or reuse without needing to request permission – as long as ILO is cited…
Read MoreG&A Institute Research Shows Sustainability Reporting by Largest U.S. Public Companies Reached All-Time Highs in 2021
Governance & Accountability Institute, Inc. (G&A), a leading consulting firm on corporate sustainability and ESG, has announced the findings of its 2022 Sustainability Reporting in Focus research on companies in the S&P 500® Index and the Russell 1000® Index. This marks the 11th annual report in G&A’s research series tracking the publication of sustainability reports by the largest U.S. publicly-traded companies. G&A’s 2022 Sustainability Reporting in Focus research showed all-time highs across the board in sustainability reporting for the Russell 1000 companies in 2021. Key takeaways from G&A’s research include:…
Read MorePRCA agrees new governance roadmap as platform for continued growth and industry leadership
The Board of the PRCA has agreed a new governance blueprint which will provide a platform for continued growth and industry leadership, following a wide-ranging consultation and review exercise. The new structure will ensure continued and improved representation of all elements of the industry, while bolstering governance, oversight and decision-making processes. A Board-appointed working group will now oversee the next phase of implementation, preparing for an EGM in September 2023 at which the new governance structures will be proposed, and a new interim President and interim Management Board will be…
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