The CIPR will celebrate its pioneering members and volunteers in a unique project commemorating the Institute’s seventieth anniversary.
70 at 70 will spotlight CIPR members who’ve made an outstanding contribution to the CIPR or the wider public relations community. The initiative will profile seventy CIPR members in an online publication due to be released later this year.
Nominees must be CIPR members who have contributed to the industry in a least one of the following areas:
- outstanding or exemplary public relations practice
- volunteering and commitment to the PR
- communityentrepreneurship within
- the professiondevelopment of ethical competence
- thought leadership and authorship in public relations
- academic research, teaching or training
- trade journalism
- Nominations will be assessed by a committee of volunteers in June. Self nominations are welcome.
The plans form part of President Sarah Hall Chart.PR, FCIPR’s commitment to recognise and celebrate the achievements of CIPR members across the UK and around the world.
Sarah Hall Chart.PR, FCIPR, CIPR President said: “The CIPR is indebted to its army of volunteers and it’s their tireless dedication that helps drive the Institute forward year after year. This very special anniversary is a useful prompt to take stock and celebrate the fantastic work that is carried out by practitioners who might not otherwise get the recognition they deserve.
70 at 70 aims to shine a light on unsung heroes of the CIPR’s membership so if you know someone who deserves some glory or who is perhaps hiding their light under a bushel, please do put them forward. We have so much talent among us, it’s only right to showcase it.”