Agendia Celebrates Breast Cancer Awareness Month with Digital Art Installation

In celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Agendia, Inc., a world leader in precision oncology for breast cancer, is proud to present the I AM HERE campaign, a collection of illustrations and stories that capture the incredibly personal journey of a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. I AM HERE is a portrait series by renowned visual artist Andrea Caceres that illustrates the essence of those who have been touched by breast cancer, showcasing a chosen moment that exemplifies the reasons why they are here.

“We know that one month a year is not enough to acknowledge the vulnerability, grit, grace, and resilience exhibited by breast cancer patients, survivors, and their families and care teams every single day,” said Mark Straley, Chief Executive Officer of Agendia. “We are honored to partner with Andrea and can’t wait to see her interpretation of the incredible experiences and inspirations the people in our community have to share.”

Agendia is embarking on a months-long look beyond the mammogram to showcase the strength, complexity, and community behind each diagnosis. Breast cancer patients and the full diversity of the breast cancer care community are invited to share their stories through a photo that illustrates the reason they are here today, with a short explanation to further illuminate the importance of their selected moment in time.

“Since my own breast cancer diagnosis several years ago, which followed my mother’s and sister’s own diagnoses, I have been so blessed to become a breast cancer advocate,” said LaTonya Davis, a breast cancer survivor, host of the upcoming podcast The Breast Talk Ever, and one of the first to have her story illustrated by Andrea for I AM HERE. “I hope to ensure other women know my story and can use it to their advantage. If my race, as I call it, can give just one other person the information they need to ask the right questions, that power that is carried on through them will continue to make waves far beyond my own journey.”

A cancer journey begins at diagnosis and becomes a constant companion, redefining the past, present, and future of the patient. In this series, a platform is provided to honor the complexity, the inspiring “whys,” and the daily gifts, trials, and victories that patients, health care teams, and families experience as they walk forward together.

“I love to illustrate women and share stories about their culture, their history, and who they really are,” said artist Andrea Caceres. “To me the women in this series represent more than a disease – they are mothers, daughters, sisters, people with passion, and a zest for life. ‘I AM HERE’, to me, reflects how multi-faceted and resilient these women are, I feel very honored to represent them through my art.”

The ever-changing collection of stories and illustrations can be found at Agendia encourages all who have been touched by breast cancer to submit their stories to the portal, and to follow along on social media at the hashtag #IAMHERE.

Agendia is deeply committed to the full breadth of the breast cancer community, and aims to arm patients and their support systems with the strong science they need to make informed, right-sized treatment decisions.

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