The ASA/CAP have released a post called: 100 Children Report: follow-up engagement with advertisers, agencies and platforms. I have enclosed the text of the link below, but please have a look at the ASA/CAP site as there are lots of things of interest to anyone with an interest in Ethical Marketing.
Following the publication of the ‘The 100 Children Report’, in November 2022, the ASA undertook to follow up with advertisers, their agencies and platforms on some of the report’s key findings. We have now published our 100 Children Report – enforcement and engagement report, which seeks to fulfil that undertaking.
In response to findings of children’s exposure to ads for alcohol, gambling or other age-restricted ads, the ASA committed to exploring further the steps taken by advertisers and their agencies to serve these ads to legitimate adult audiences and away from child audiences. This report reflects positively on advertisers and agencies’ efforts, which the ASA found to be broadly in line with CAP Guidance on Targeting Age-restricted Ads Online. The Guidance sets out steps prior to, during and post ad campaigns to help ensure marketers are doing everything they can to limit children’s exposure to these ads.
As the ASA strives to push the boundaries of monitoring and research into the content and targeting of online ads, this report also invites reflections on the ASA’s approach and methodology to inform its future work in this area. And, the report clarifies why, on this occasion, the ASA considers it is not appropriate to highlight the identity of advertisers whose ads were identified in The 100 Children Report as, on the face of it, being in breach of the UK Advertising Code.