Supermarket Asda has published its 2018 Gender Pay figures, in line with the legal requirement for large companies to report annually.
a report submitted to the Government’s Gender Pay website, Asda has
stated that, for the 2018 Gender Pay Gap reporting period:
- The median pay difference (the Office for National Statistics’ preferred measure) between all relevant men and women employed by Asda is 7.6%. This is a reduction of 1.3% compared to 2017 and 10.3% lower than the national average of 17.9% for full and part-time workers.
- The mean pay difference between all relevant men and women employed by Asda is 12.4%. This is a reduction of 0.1% compared to 2017 and 4.7% lower than the national average of 17.1%
- 86% of Asda’s colleagues work in hourly paid roles in stores, which have set hourly rates of pay. The median gender pay gap within that population, based on those rates alone, is 0%.
- 35% of those occupying senior roles at Asda are women, whereas 74% of those in junior roles are women.
Asda’s Senior Vice President of People, Hayley Tatum said: “Rates of pay and access to benefits and opportunities are the same at Asda, regardless of gender. Whilst our gender pay gap is better than the national average and we have seen the figures improve this year, we recognise that, like many businesses, we still have challenges when it comes to female representation in more senior roles – and that is something we’re committed to addressing.”
Asda’s report details that, in 2018, the retailer has put in place a number of initiatives to work to reduce the gap over the longer term and support more women into senior roles. These include delivering unconscious bias awareness training for all of its salaried managers and introducing balanced candidate slates and interview panels for all senior hires.
To read Asda’s 2018 Gender Pay Report in full, click here.