Ceres launches new tool for small to medium-sized companies to improve their sustainability performance

Ceres launched a new sustainability assessment tool designed to help small to medium-sized companies assess and improve their sustainability performance.  

Developed by Ceres in-house experts, the Ceres Roadmap 360º equips businesses with user-friendly, self-guided learning modules covering a range of topics – from clean energy to risk management to community engagement – that are most important to their sustainability journey. The tool produces customized reports that include a scorecard, best practice recommendations, and useful resources to help companies integrate sustainability across their operations. 

Inspired by the foundation laid by the Ceres Roadmap 2030  – a 10-year action plan for sustainable business leadership that outlines the actions large companies must take by 2030 to stabilize the climate, protect water and natural resources, and build a just and inclusive economy – the new Ceres Roadmap 360º provides expert insights to guide smaller companies and those lacking the resources of their larger, public company counterparts. 

“In a world where sustainability is non-negotiable in business strategy, Ceres Roadmap 360º is a valuable resource for small to medium-sized companies, offering the guidance they need to thrive in the transition to a cleaner, more just and sustainable economy,” said Mindy Lubber, Ceres CEO and president. “Integrating sustainability in decision-making to address material financial risks will ensure long-term value and competitiveness in the ever-changing market.” 

The Ceres Roadmap 360º comes at a critical time for business action. The regulatory landscape for corporate transparency has shifted, characterized by important developments like the new U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rule, requiring all U.S. public companies to disclose climate-related financial risks. California’s new robust disclosure laws require companies that do business in that state to report this information. While risks grow more urgent, unprecedented investment in clean energy projects, incentivized by the Inflation Reduction Act, provides timely economic opportunities for businesses across the U.S. Over time, the impacts of these requirements and incentives are expected to cascade down through the supply chains of large companies. Smaller companies risk reputational damage and loss of market share if they fail to scale their sustainability progress.  

“At this pivotal moment, U.S. companies must act decisively to prepare for the future, mitigate financial risks, and maintain relevance in evolving economic, social, and regulatory landscapes,” said Dan Saccardi, program director of the Ceres Company Network at Ceres. “Becoming better prepared to meet the increasingly rigorous disclosure and performance expectations that larger companies already face will not only position these companies for success but enable them to meet mounting demands from their large corporate customers who will require this information to both achieve their sustainability goals and fulfill new regulatory requirements.” 

 In addition to Ceres in-house experts, the Ceres Roadmap 360 was informed by feedback from dozens of other practicing corporate sustainability professionals and external consultants. This input strengthened alignment with industry standards and practicality for businesses aiming for sustainability excellence. 

“For small to medium-sized businesses looking to set up a long-term strategy for sustainability, the Ceres Roadmap 360º is invaluable,” said Michelle Benavides, executive director, International Society for Sustainability Professionals (ISSP). “The tool provides feedback on where companies are meeting their sustainability targets, and I hope to see it used not just for measurement, but also as a way to reflect on where companies can actively reduce their negative impacts.” 

The Ceres Roadmap 360º empowers companies with essential insights, resources, and recommendations to future-proof their business. The tool will continue to evolve with new modules and enhanced content to support the unique needs of small to medium-sized businesses in a rapidly evolving business landscape.  

Explore the Ceres Roadmap 360º at roadmap360.ceres.org 

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