Free The Bid is proud to officially announce that their BRAND NEW database of women composers for visual media is now LIVE on!
Free The Bid founder, director Alma Har’el, announced the news of the launch on September 28th, onstage at the #SheIsEqual Summit presented by Global Citizen, P&G, and #SeeHer in New York.
Free The Bid are incredibly thrilled to launch their database with profiles of 115 women composers from across the globe. These women are creating dynamic musical compositions within advertising, feature film, television, documentaries, animation, video games, trailers, and beyond.
Free The Bid look forward to creating profiles for more incredible women composers in visual media, and are excitedly anticipating the database’s continual growth over time.
Free The Bid could not have completed this expansion without the help of representatives from Procter & Gamble, Women In Music,, Hear Her Music, Publicis, SixtyFour Music and Leo Burnett. Special thanks to the following: Harriet Moss and Jenna Fentiman (Manners McDade) (click here to read Jenna’s thoughts on the launch); Rebecca Grierson (SixtyFour Music); Chris Clark (Leo Burnett); and Jessica Sobhraj (Women In Music).
Free The Bid is committed to diversifying the production pipeline, and our database of women composers marks the latest expansion of our website, which includes a database of searchable profiles for women directors, editors, DOP collectives, and colorists!
We encourage you to share widely with your network, across all social media. Please tag @FreeTheBid in all posts, and use the hashtags #FreeTheBid #FreeTheBidComposers.
Do you know additional women composers for visual media who are interested in joining our database? CONTACT US!