As pandemic restrictions continue to affect all children and families across the country, a new Scotland-wide multi-agency digital child protection campaign launches.
This digital campaign has been developed by Child Protection Committees Scotland in conjunction with Barnardo’s Scotland, NSPPC Scotland and Police Scotland.
As Scotland’s children settle back into the school routine and slowly begin to return to clubs and out-of-school activities, the month-long campaign aims to raise awareness that while lockdown and the pandemic has been hard going for many families and children, it’s been a lot more challenging for some families than others. Families who were struggling to cope before the pandemic may have been pushed to crisis point during lockdown, and even the most settled families will have faced new challenges during this time.
Some children and young people may have experienced trauma for the first time, and some may have experienced neglect and abuse.
This new campaign urges everyone to be alert to signs that all is not well for some children, and to take action if they’re worried that something is wrong.
Built around the message that it’s always better to say something than do nothing, the ad campaign features three digital “adverts” posted across YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, and points to a new campaign webpage on the Child Protection Scotland website.
You can also see the digital adverts on the new Child Protection Scotland YouTube channel.