Mike Rowe Gets an Exam for Prostate Cancer on Camera

Prostate Cancer is one of those things that affects 1 in 9 men over the course of a lifetime. All men are supposed to have an exam after the age of 40 and yet most do not.

There is a certain level of stigma that is associated with having the exam. That is ridiculousness that has been propagated by an uninformed public and needs to be changed.

Mike Rowe, has agreed to have this rather intimate procedure filmed to ensure that men see how easy it is. As the host of Dirty Jobs, there are few things that have not been seen by the host. He is a personality who has worked for a very long time to share new areas of concentration and focus for Americans who wonder what different occupations would be like.

Awareness of this important condition is something that needs to be shared in as many locations as possible. Mike Rowe will have the exam in a live stream on YouTube, the entire commercial is a mere 2 minutes and 10 seconds, but in that time it could change the lives of anyone who sees it.The creative ad agency of Erich and Kallman is behind the advert and is working on raising awareness. Rowe has the exam from his real doctor and is sharing an intimate moment of his life to show how painless this process is.  E&K worked with Zero – The End of Prostate Cancer, a non-profit organization dedicated to prostate cancer education, testing, patient support, research and advocacy, on the spot. The unique PSA will live on YouTube and will be shared by Zero as well as by Rowe, who has millions of social media followers. 

How Common is Prostate Cancer

Numbers do not lie, around 161,360 new cases are diagnosed each year. Around 27,000 men die of it every year. This is the most common form of cancer aside from skin cancer out there. The key to survival is early detection and it is something that needs to be looked for after the age of 40 in men.

Many people are being diagnosed with prostate cancer every year and many celebrities are jumping on the bandwagon to ensure that early detection is the norm and not the exception.

Mike Rowe had a friend who was diagnosed with the cancer which is why he agreed to be a part of the advertisement. Who better to share the gospel of early detection than Mike Rowe? With early detection there is a huge difference in those who live and those who die.


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