To shape their response to the Professional & Business Services Council (PBSC) proposed Sector Deal, the Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA) is collecting industry views and opinions on the draft proposals.
The PBSC is seeking a Sector Deal to increase expansion of professional and business services exports to the EU and internationally, improve social mobility, lifelong learning, and development – with a drive on professional and business services employment.
As members of the Professional Associations Research Network (PARN), the PRCA has been asked to provide commentary on the proposed Sector Deal, and are engaging their members to help shape the response.
Members can read the proposal in full here, and are requested to contact Nicholas Dunn-McAfee MPRCA, head of public affairs, policy, and research, PRCA, with any opinions, feedback, or comments on the draft.
On the Sector Deal, Francis Ingham MPRCA, Director General, PRCA, said: “It’s important that industry voices are heard loud and clear, especially when it comes to proposals such as these.
“As members of PARN, and as the UK’s largest professional body for PR and communications practitioners, we are in a unique position to research and express UK practitioners’ views on this, the most pressing business issue of our generation.
“Like the country, PRCA members are divided in their attitude to Brexit. But they find unity in wanting the right ultimate deal. In particular, they are concerned about access to markets and to talent. We will be collating and weighing these attitudes, and then making our industry’s voice heard in the crucial period that lies ahead”