UK marketing budget growth cools in Q1, but 2024/25 outlook remains positive

UK companies revised their marketing spend up once again in Q1 2024, stretching a run of growth that dates back to the second quarter of 2021, according to the latest IPA Bellwether Report published on 18 April 2024. A sustained upturn in marketing spend comes amid an improving economic backdrop for the UK economy, with an impending emergence from recession and falling inflationary pressures. Just shy of one-quarter (24.4%) of panellists recorded an upward revision to their overall marketing budgets in Q1, compared to 15% that saw a contraction. Although…

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Upward revisions to main media budgets drive total UK marketing budget growth

Total UK marketing budgets were revised up in Q3 2023, extending the current sequence of upward spending revisions to ten successive quarters. This is according to the latest IPA Bellwether Report, which reveals that this quarter’s overall growth was driven by upward revisions to the main media category. The Q3 2023 Bellwether report also reveals that there was, however, a moderation of the upturn as persistent inflationary pressures, further increases in borrowing costs and a subsequent deterioration in the UK economic outlook drove some companies to be more cautious with…

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Marketing budget growth at strongest in over four years as UK recovery shifts up a gear

Total UK marketing budgets have increased at the strongest rate since Q2 2017 according to the Q3 2021 IPA Bellwether Report as a final loosening of pandemic-related restrictions enabled a further march forward in the broader economic recovery. Total marketing expenditure grew at the fastest pace since the second quarter of 2017, as a net balance of +12.8% of firms registered upward budget revisions in Q3 2021, from +6.0% in Q2. Approximately one-in-four Bellwether respondents recorded higher spending (25.6%), compared with 12.8% that observed budget cuts. The latest data marked…

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UK marketing budgets continue to contract markedly amid impact of COVID-19

UK companies registered another drastic reduction in marketing budgets during the third quarter amid ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, according to the latest IPA Bellwether Report. The result followed a record reduction in available funds during the second quarter, when many businesses were either temporarily closed or operating at reduced capacity.   The Q3 2020 IPA Bellwether Report indicated that a net balance of -41.0% of panellists saw their marketing budgets cut in the third quarter (up from -50.7% in Q2). The result represented the second-quickest decline since the survey’s inception in…

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