McCain and Family Fund premiere ‘Teatime Tales’, a series of animated films, narrated by renowned children’s author David Walliams. The films focus on the stories of three children Benjamin, Anjola and Maddie, who have been helped by Family Fund, to reveal the importance of the little moments together as a family such as coming together at mealtimes. The animated films are illustrated in order to bring the family stories to life in an engaging and entertaining way that respects the need for flexible production in light of Covid precautions. Visually,…
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McCain Partners With Family Fund To Launch The ‘Little Moments’ Campaign To Raise Awareness Of Families Raising Disabled Children
McCain launches ‘Little Moments’, a nationwide campaign to drive awareness of leading childhood disability charity Family Fund, an organisation that provides grants and services to families raising disabled or seriously ill children. The grants allow the families to purchase essential items to help their day-to-day lives and spend more time together, such as during mealtimes, enabling them to take time for the little moments. The COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected these families, and the ongoing partnership between McCain and Family Fund aims to offer support and take meaningful action so…
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