IDPH, Brady & Ad Council Unveil Video PSA to Promote “Pause to Heal” Firearm Safety Campaign in Illinois

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), Brady: United Against Gun Violence and the Ad Council recently premiered a new video public service advertisement (PSA) to raise awareness about the lifesaving potential of Firearm Restraining Orders (FROs), also known as “extreme risk laws” or “red flag laws,” in Illinois. The new film builds upon the first phase of the “Pause to Heal” campaign, initially launched in April 2024 in Illinois. WATCH THE PSA: This public safety effort is part of a planned multi-state “Pause to Heal” campaign designed to prevent…

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IDPH, Brady & Ad Council Unveil Video PSA to Promote “Pause to Heal” Firearm Safety Campaign in Illinois

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), Brady: United Against Gun Violence and the Ad Council are today premiering a new video public service advertisement (PSA) to raise awareness about the lifesaving potential of Firearm Restraining Orders (FROs), also known as “extreme risk laws” or “red flag laws,” in Illinois. The new film builds upon the first phase of the “Pause to Heal” campaign, initially launched in April 2024 in Illinois. WATCH THE PSA: This public safety effort is part of a planned multi-state “Pause to Heal” campaign designed to…

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IDPH Joins Forces with Brady & the Ad Council to Promote Life-Saving Tool to Prevent Suicides and Other Shootings by People in Distress; First Phase of Expansive New Gun Safety Effort

A new partnership to raise awareness about the lifesaving potential of Firearm Restraining Orders (FROs), or “red flag laws,” is launching today during National Public Health Week involving the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), Brady: United Against Gun Violence, and the Ad Council. The Illinois effort is the first phase of a planned multi-state campaign called “Pause to Heal.” It is designed to prevent firearm suicides and other shootings by educating the public about the state’s FRO law, and the power that family and household members have to ask…

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