£12 million National Lottery cash injection to support communities to come together across the UK, as new report shows value of community

The National Lottery Community Fund, the largest community funder in the UK, has awarded a vital £12 million cash injection to support communities to come together across the UK. Communities from Glasgow to Kent will benefit from the first nine projects to be awarded through The UK Fund – one of the funder’s bold commitments as part of its new strategy, It starts with community, to tackle some of the big social issues facing UK communities. The announcement comes as The National Lottery Community Fund launches a new report, revealing…

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The National Lottery changes operator for first time in 30 Years

1 February 2024 marked the start of the Fourth National Lottery Licence and the handover to Allwyn as the operator of The National Lottery. This is the first time that responsibility for operating The National Lottery has changed hands in its 30-year history. During this time, it has made a huge difference to life in the UK – not just for the millions of prize-winners, but in generating over £48 billion that has been invested in almost 700,000 community, sport, arts and heritage projects. This has all been made possible…

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National Lottery sales grow to second highest in National Lottery’s history to reach £8.19bn in 2022/23

Camelot UK Lotteries Limited has announced that total National Lottery sales for the 2022/23 financial year (1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023) increased by £99.6 million to £8,190.3 million – the second highest annual sales total since The National Lottery’s launch. As a result of this strong performance, returns to Good Causes from ticket sales alone hit an all-time high of £1,807.0 million in 2022/23, £6.2 million higher than in the previous year. Over the same period, The National Lottery awarded £4,694.0 million in prize money to players –…

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National Lottery in ‘best-ever shape’ after record sales and returns to Good Causes

Camelot UK Lotteries Limited has announced record National Lottery sales of £4,063.9 million for the first six months of the 2022/23 financial year (1 April to 24 September 2022), breaking the £4 billion mark for the first time in the company’s 28-year operation of The National Lottery and outperforming last year’s total by £102.5 million (+2.6%). The record performance resulted in the best-ever first-half returns to Good Causes of £956.5 million – up £72 million (+8.1%) on last year – taking the total generated for Good Causes since The National…

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£14 million of National Lottery funding goes to tackle climate change across the UK

The National Lottery Community Fund has announced more than £14 million in grants going to communities across the UK to tackle climate change. These grants are the first to be announced as part of the National Lottery-funded Climate Action Fund, a ten-year £100 million fund that will reduce the carbon footprint of communities and support community led movements that can demonstrate what is possible when people take the lead in tackling climate change. Funding from The National Lottery Community Fund will support these projects to work together, share learning and…

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