Smoking around your pet could kill them, warns PDSA. The charity have launched a campaign urging smokers to stop lighting up around their pets – because the toxic fumes could kill or harm them. Second-hand smoke has been long been linked to potentially fatal diseases in humans, including lung cancer and heart disease. However, our vets say the impact of passive smoking on pets is just as serious – and just as avoidable. Now, to coincide with National No Smoking Day (14 March 2018), the PDSA are urging owners to…
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FDA launches public education campaign to encourage adult smokers trying to quit cigarettes
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has announced an adult smoking cessation education campaign aimed at encouraging cigarette smokers to quit through messages of support that underscore the health benefits of quitting. These messages will be displayed in and around gas stations and convenience stores – retail locations where smokers face a multitude of triggers and that typically feature cigarette advertisements. The “Every Try Counts” campaign targets smokers ages 25-54 who have attempted to quit smoking in the last year but were unsuccessful. The two-year campaign launches next month in…
Read and truth® Partner With Actor Dexter Darden for #MyBigRegret
Planking. Spending too many hours playing video games. Watching an entire season of Game of Thrones in one sitting. There will always be regrets. But making a decision that could cause 320,000 deaths by 2050? That might be the biggest one yet. In 2011, the FDA had an opportunity to ban menthols, but due to a “lack of research,” they never did. Despite the FDA’s own scientific review concluding that menthol cigarettes pose a public health risk above that seen with non-menthol cigarettes, menthols still have not been banned. Promoted…
Read MoreStoptober Campaign from PHE is back
Stoptober, the 28-day stop smoking campaign from Public Health England, is back from 1st October. Stoptober has driven over 1 million quit attempts to date and is the biggest mass quit attempt in the country. It is based on research that shows that if you can stop smoking for 28-days, you are five times more likely to stay smokefree for good. There a lots of ways to quit and Stoptober can help people choose what works for them. You can quit using medication (including nicotine replacement therapies such…
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