UN General Secretary backs cement and concrete leaders in united rallying call for action on net zero

The Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, has issued a call to action, alongside the CEOs of major cement and concrete manufacturers, for the industry to redouble its efforts, and to work in partnership with governments, to reach net zero. The united rallying call has been made by the Chief Executive of the Global Cement and Concrete Association, Thomas Guillot, together with the leaders of GCCA member companies, as they begin a major conference in Zurich.  Concrete is the second most-used material on earth after water and the…

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Start-ups from around world line up to solve challenge of how to make low carbon concrete

More than seventy start-ups from across the world have applied for a pioneering international scheme, aimed at making low carbon concrete. The Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) and its member companies are on a mission to fully decarbonise concrete, the world’s most used material after water. The Innovandi Open Challenge brings together start-ups and the industry’s leading manufacturers to work together on innovative ways to cut emissions and accelerate progress. In April, applications were invited from start-ups interested in working with leading companies on new materials and ingredients for…

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