WRAP launches new data stories platform which explores household food waste research in an innovative way

WRAP is excited to unveil their new data stories platform – a whole new way of bringing their food waste research to life. This is the first time that it will be possible for existing household food waste statistics (from 2021/2022) to be investigated in a visual way, with interactive charts and graphs.   Data stories will provide an alternative new way for WRAP’s research to be presented and shared. initially the tool presents household food waste research. In the UK, WRAP estimates total food waste in 2021 at 10.7 million…

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One festival tent uses as much plastic as 22 Coldplay LPs, 200 bottles and 9,000 straws

With an estimated 210,000 fans expected to attend Glastonbury – double the population of the nearby city of Bath – environmental campaign Recycle Now is advising some simple steps for anyone attending a festival to cut their festival footprint and have a greener experience. Craig Stephens, Senior Campaign Manager Recycle Now – WRAP, “The UK has some of the best music festivals in the world, and we’re already seeing another incredible summer of live music unfold. Festival organisers have a key part to play in preparing for a more eco-conscious…

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The price of our addiction to cheap fast fashion as pressure builds on UK second hand clothing market

New WRAP research shows people are putting almost half (49%) of all used textiles in the rubbish bin. On average, each person in the UK throws a shocking 35 items of unwanted textiles straight into general waste every year. Meanwhile, the textiles that do get donated responsibly have plummeted in price due to saturation of low-quality fast fashion on the market, resulting in less income for reuse and recycling sectors. WRAP urges key partners across brands, retailers, investors and governments to support the UK’s textiles reuse and recycling sector through…

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WRAP launches new drive to promote circular living in the USA and across the Americas

In a significant move to tackle the impact that businesses and people have on the environment through unsustainable production, consumption and waste, climate action NGO WRAP has opened a key office in Washinton DC. The new office, led by Executive Director Leah Karrer, will coordinate action on food waste, plastic pollution, and textile waste right across South, Central and North America – from the foot of Chile to the top of Canada.   Leah Karrer, Executive Director of WRAP in the Americas, said “I am thrilled to scale-up WRAP’s work…

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Unlock £1.1 billion investment by escalating the Plastic Packaging Tax

Veolia, the UK’s leading resource management company, is calling for the Government to escalate the Plastic Packaging Tax to incentivise the end markets for recycled content, give investors confidence to build domestic infrastructure and stimulate green economic growth. Veolia commissioned research by climate action NGO WRAP to understand the economic and environmental impacts of escalating the Plastic Packaging Tax. Currently set at £217.85 per tonne tax from 1 April 2024 on plastic packaging that contains less than 30% recycled content, the tax is not achieving its aims as only 22%…

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