Coalition Of Local And International Groups Launch Fundraising Campaign To Protect ‘Yosemite Of South America’ Forever

Led by Chilean NGO Puelo Patagonia, the campaign Conserva Puchegüín is working urgently to raise $78 million to purchase and protect 325,000 acres in Chilean Patagonia.   The campaign has two years to raise the money needed to protect the Cochamó Valley, also known as the “Yosemite of South America” by rock climbers around the globe. The area features thousand-meter granite walls, glacier-crowned peaks, rivers, plunging waterfalls and massive groves of alerce trees, plus endangered and endemic species, and many small communities with traditional ways of life. Puelo Patagonia and The Nature…

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New ‘Protecting Our Planet Challenge’ represents $5 billion commitment to conserve 30% of planet by 2030

At the September 22, 2021 “Transformative Action for Nature and People” event in New York, nine organizations joined together to pledge an unprecedented $5 billion over the next 10 years to support the creation, expansion, management and monitoring of protected and conserved areas of land, inland water and sea, working with Indigenous Peoples, local communities, civil society and governments. This watershed announcement — to fund efforts to reach 30×30 global goal by strengthening and expanding protected areas and support to Indigenous Guardianship of traditional territory — marks the largest private…

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