Waste Free Oceans, Jung von Matt and Teijin turn ocean plastic into a kid’s book for good.

More than 8 million tons of plastic end up in the oceans every year. That’s a truck load of waste every single minute. By 2050 there will be more pieces of plastic in the sea than fish. A lot of it coming from our everyday behavior. The effects on the environment are devastating. Those most affected will be those most precious to us: Kids. Belgium-based NPO Waste Free Oceans teamed up with Teijin and Jung von Matt to change that.

“The Ocean Plastic Book” is the world’s first children’s book produced completely from recycled ocean plastic. It was designed to lead to a rethinking in the use of plastic for parents and children alike and to help clean our oceans. Not only through the story, but through the book itself. The book tells the story of Pippa. Her biggest dream is to swim with every animal in the ocean. Until one day, she finally gets to live her dream. But on her adventure through the deep blue sea, she realizes that the animals can’t swim: they are all trapped in plastic. But the brave heroine is able to help them, banning plastics from her home for good – and
becomes the “Queen of the Ocean”.

Waste Free Oceans collected plastics from all over the world for the pages and cover of the books. While Japanese company Teijin developed an innovative process: They shredded plastics to pellets and turned them into fibers. The fibers were turned into material that is tear- and water-resistant. And can be processed just like real paper.

“Instead of extracting more natural resources, we wanted to lead to a change with what’s not only freely available, but what’s doing harm right now.” comments Bernard Merkx, CEO of Waste Free Oceans. “With the Ocean Plastic Book, we turned harmful ocean plastic into a force for good – that can be passed on for generations to come.”

The Ocean Plastic Book’s story was illustrated by Chervelle Fryer (represented by Jelly London) and can be dived into online at theoceanplasticbook.com, where people can register to be the first to know about the release of the second edition.

“We are extremely grateful that we could work with such a skilled arist. Chervelle’s illustrations didn’t only make our story come alive. But will give children the chance to discover something new with every single read.”

Waste Free Oceans and Teijin are currently working to get the environmentally friendly Ocean Plastic Books in the hands of as many children as pobbile. Because,
as Merkx puts it: “Every book helps to clean the ocean and to keep it clean. And doing nothing is simply not an option.”

“We feel that when it comes to plastic pollution, there’s simply no more time to waste. If we don’t act now, the effects for our future will be devastating. That’s exactly how the idea came about: We wanted to give those most affected by ocean pollution the power to reverse it. While stopping ocean plastic from doing further damage.”  said Michael Maria Morgenbesser, of Jung von Matt.

“Chervelle Fryer and Jelly London are so proud to have been involved in this initiative. It’s taking something that is seriously damaging our oceans and wildlife, and turning it into something good, to help spread this extremely important message.” said Poppy Jamieson, Head of PR & Communications
 of Jelly London.








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