Much faster progress on energy efficiency is needed to meet global 2030 goal

Doubling global rate of improvement will require countries to accelerate policy implementation, which would improve energy security, reduce energy costs and lower emissions One year on from the historic global pledge at COP28 to double the rate of energy efficiency improvements by 2030, new analysis from the IEA shows that countries are not yet on track for this goal, requiring stronger action and cooperation to align with their stated ambitions. Energy Efficiency 2024, the IEA’s annual report on energy efficiency developments around the world, finds that global primary energy intensity…

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Cargill Surpasses 1 Million Enrolled Acres in Cargill RegenConnect®, Advancing Farmer Adoption of Regenerative Agriculture

Cargill RegenConnect® has surpassed one million enrolled acres for the 2025 U.S. planting season, a milestone that underscores Cargill’s ongoing efforts to support farmers in adopting regenerative agriculture practices. Through partnerships with farmers across the United States and beyond, Cargill is helping to transform agricultural systems for a more sustainable, food secure world. Since its launch in 2021, Cargill RegenConnect has provided farmers with the tools, resources, and incentives they need to implement regenerative practices like low till, no-till, and cover cropping. These practices can help improve soil health, increase…

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Integrity Council approves three REDD+ methodologies

The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market announced recently that it has approved three methodologies for issuing high integrity carbon credits for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD+): (ART) The REDD+ Environmental Excellence Standard (TREES) v2.0, TREES Crediting Level (VCS) VM0048 Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation v1.0 (VCS) Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR) Framework v4.1 With the approved methodologies due to start issuing soon, REDD+ credits are expected to be labelled with the CCP label from early 2025. No credits have yet…

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EcoVadis, ABMI and leading industry organizations launch the ‘IMPackT Initiative’

The Association of Beverage Machinery Industry (ABMI), and three leading packaging machinery industry organizations – CFT, Gassner, and Krones, in collaboration with EcoVadis, launched the IMPackT Initiative. This groundbreaking sector initiative in the packaging machinery industry is part of EcoVadis’ effort to foster industry collaboration and amplify impact.  In development since the beginning of 2024, the IMPackT Initiative is united by a shared commitment to sustainability throughout the supply chain. Spearheaded by the founding members, this initiative marks a significant step towards a more sustainable future. Supporting sustainable practices across the…

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APAN and APAP launch Effie Awards Portugal in 2025, taking the Prémios Eficácia to the global stage

The 20th anniversary of the Prémios Eficácia in Portugal reaches new heights with the launch of the Effie Awards Portugal 2025, a landmark collaboration between APAN (Portuguese Advertisers Association) and APAP (Portuguese Association of Advertising, Communication, and Marketing Agencies). This new chapter elevates the Prémios Eficácia—now the Effie Awards Portugal—to an international level, as Portugal joins the global Effie Worldwide network spanning 125 countries. “After 20 years of the Prémios Eficácia, unanimously recognized as the most prestigious awards in the marketing and communications industry in Portugal, the evolution and integration into…

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