Berry’s Prevented Ocean Plastic Bottle™ Helps Tackle a Global Problem

One of the global sustainable packaging leaders Berry Global Group, Inc. has partnered with Brookfield Drinks for the launch of a new spring water range in a first-to-market bottle made completely from Prevented Ocean Plastic™ (POP). It is estimated, that every 500ml bottle of NEO WTR, made using discarded plastic that has been collected along coastlines at risk of ocean plastic pollution, stops the equivalent of approximately 1.7 plastic bottles entering the ocean.2 In addition to the POP bottle, both the label and cap are fully recyclable to offer a complete…

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Consultation on amendments to the Advertising Codes in line with new UK consumer protection legislation

The Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) and the Broadcast Committee of advertising Practice (BCAP) have published a public consultation on proposed amendments to their Codes to reflect changes to UK consumer law in the form of the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act 2024 (DMCCA), which received Royal Assent in May 2024. The DMCCA revoked and restated the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (the CPRs), the legislation from which the majority of the existing CAP and BCAP rules on misleading advertising derive or with which they are otherwise understood…

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Near zero-cement market possible

Vattenfall and Cemvision collaborate to develop a market for near-zero emission cement, a logic next step since the agreement (LOI) for the development and future supply of the cement, was launched earlier this year. And if all value-chain parties are committed a market is possible the coming years. In 2024, Vattenfall introduced the partnership with Cemvision to develop near-zero emission cement and a future market in connection with the First Movers Coalition commitments, during a live event in Stockholm. Vattenfall and Cemvision have entered an agreement (LOI) for the development and…

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Richest 10 charities see assets rise to £67.7bn but trail inflation

  The total assets of the 10 wealthiest charities grew from £67bn to £67.7bn for financial years ending in 2023. They accounted for 27% of the charity sector’s total assets in 2023, a proportion that remained the same as in 2022 but was a 1% decrease from 2021. Meanwhile, the charity sector overall saw its total assets increase by 2% in 2023 to £255bn, up from £251bn the year before. This was the third consecutive year of growth for the sector since Civil Society started reporting it. However, inflation averaged…

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Big Give’s 2024 Christmas Challenge raises a record £44.7 million in one week

Big Give’s Christmas Challenge has become the UK’s biggest public fundraising campaign in 2024 after raising a record-breaking £44.7 million in just one week, marking a remarkable 35% increase from last year’s total of £33 million.The campaign, which concluded at midday on Tuesday, 10 December, attracted over 119,000 donations from the public, with 74% of participating charities meeting or exceeding their fundraising targets and 95% of all available match funds being utilised. This amount raised is particularly notable given the ongoing impact of the cost of living crisis, which has…

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