ASA – How we regulate online ads

The ASA/CAP have released a post called: How we regulate online ads. I have enclosed the text of the link below, but please have a look at the ASA/CAP site as there are lots of things of interest to anyone with an interest in Ethical Marketing.

We have created a short video explaining how we regulate online advertising.

Many of us are active online every day, whether for work or play. But for all its benefits, there are concerns across society about safety online and, by extension, questions about how the online world should be regulated. When it comes to the regulation of online advertising by legitimate businesses, we’ve got it covered.

Online advertising in the UK is diverse, but whether its paid ads on platforms and the internet, claims on company websites and social media channels or influencer ads, we are the UK’s one-stop shop for regulating online ads. And at the heart of our strategy, More Impact Online, is our commitment to be even more effective in protecting people from misleading or irresponsible online ads.

Most businesses online are responsible and follow the advertising rules, but we take action to tackle those that don’t. As part of that, we’re making world leading use of technology to help us identify and tackle age-restricted ads, for instance for alcohol or gambling, that may be served inappropriately to children. And we’re using artificial intelligence and data science to help us act at scale and speed in monitoring online ads and to carry out enforcement work.

We’re working with tech platforms and networks to remove problem ads including misleading social influencer posts. And we’re playing our part in helping disrupt fraudulent and criminal scam ads through our scam ad alert system. We also provide a range of advice and training to help advertisers get their ads right and we work closely with a network of partners to boost protections for consumers and business in the online space.

We should all be able to trust the ads we see, hear and interact with wherever they appear. By strengthening our proactive, tech-based regulation and partnering with other regulators, we’re keeping online ads legal, decent, honest and truthful.

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