In over 60 countries in the world it is currently illegal to change your gender identity. In preparation for EuroPride 2018 in Stockholm and Gothenburg, EuroPride wanted to high- light what they’re really fighting for: the human right to be who you really are.
To bring attention to transgender rights, a part of the LGBTIQ+-community that is often victimized and marginalized, EuroPride 2018 recorded a message to the world, with the help of Alex. A transgender person in transition from woman to man.
“For every shot of testosterone Alex received, we made a new recording. Every recording taking him a step closer to the person he was meant to be. After many months, we combined all the recordings into one powerful message, and an invitation to EuroPride 2018 this summer. Because EuroPride 2018 is both a fun, memorable experience and an im- portant gathering point to continue working for change. Together, we are The Voice of Change.” says Britta Davidsohn, acting president for Stockholm Pride.
“One of our most important responsibilities as Pride-festivals is to put focus on the injus- tices and oppression that LGBTIQ+-persons still suffer, in other countries and here at home. By arranging EuroPride we can aim a spotlight at life-critical issues, like transgender people’s living situation, shape public opinion and make demands for change and respect.” says Tasso Stafilidis, president for West Pride.
This summer is the first time EuroPride is jointly hosted by two cities, Stockholm and Gothenburg, and is co-organized by Stockholm Pride and West Pride. The festival is held under the motto of ”Two cities, One Country – for a united Europe, open to the world”, and is expected to attract visitors from both Europe and the entire world.
”The Voice of Change” in detail:
The project took many months, from the first meeting with Alex in June to the last recording day in December 2017. Many recordings were made to display as much of the gradual changes in Alex’s voice as possible, which is still changing. His gender reassignment consisted of both medical and surgical treatments. For eve- ry shot of testosterone Alex received, we made a new recording. During the recording process, Alex also underwent a mastectomy (chest reconstruction surgery) to get closer to his gender identity. Since Alex iden- tifies as a trans-male we’ve chosen (with Alex’s approval) to be open with his gender reassignment from female to male. It is important to point out, however, that this does not apply to everyone going through a gender reassignment treatment, as treatments are available both to binary- and non-binary transgender peopl
According to a global overview created by National Geographic with in January 2017 it is legally impossible in over 60 countries to change your gender identity. legal-documents/