The Eckes-Granini Group with all its subsidiaries will operate climate neutral throughout Europe as of January 1, 2021. Europe-wide, the Group emitted 43,082 tons of carbon into the atmosphere in 2019 – caused, among other things, by energy and heating, waste processing, employee commuting and business trips. This is the result of a profound analysis of the companies’ carbon footprint in cooperation with ClimatePartner. The solution provider of climate action for companies has been supporting the leading supplier of fruit juices and fruit beverages since this year. With regard to the fight against climate change, the Eckes-Granini Group strives for zero greenhouse gas emissions. In order to get much closer to this overall goal, the Group will offset 43,000 tons carbon emissions of its direct business activities through a carbon offset project conducted by ClimatePartner in Portel, Brazil. Thereby, Eckes-Granini ensures the protection of 17,872 hectares of forest in the Amazon region per year.
Eckes-Granini carbon offset project protects Brazilian primeval forest
Eckes-Granini offsets its emissions by supporting a forest protection project in Portel, in the Brazilian state of Pará. The project protects a total of 151,105 hectares of forest each year. It also provides alternative sources of income and education for the residents of Portel, e.g. through the cultivation of pepper or the training of forest rangers.
“We are very proud that all Eckes-Granini subsidiaries will carry the ClimatePartner label ‘Climate Neutral Company’,” emphasizes Fabien Labeta, Director Product Supply and Supply Chain at Eckes-Granini. “Our declared goal is to make a measurable contribution to the fight against climate change. In cooperation with ClimatePartner, we’ll continuously work towards the implementation of increasingly efficient and comprehensive climate protection measures in the future.”
Commitment to climate action across Europe
The German subsidiary of Eckes-Granini (hohes C, granini) has already been climate neutral since 2019. This is a great success that was achieved through the implementation of numerous climate protection measures. These include the modernization of facilities, the purchase of green electricity and the reduction of fuel consumption in the logistics fleet. As of January 2021, the entire carbon footprint of all eleven European subsidiaries will be offset.
“The Covid 19 pandemic massively impacts Europe and the world. Despite the seriousness of the situation, we must not lose sight of other major challenges – such as climate protection,” comments Tim Berger, CEO of the Eckes-Granini Group. “As a sustainable family business, we feel committed to environmental protection. We have been reducing our carbon footprint for years. Now we are going one step further by becoming a climate neutral company and by supporting an important project in Brazil that protects people and the environment”.