Make-A-Wish have always strived to be a child-led charity and we’re now well and truly putting young people at the beating heart of our activities by setting up STARboard, our very own committee of Children and Young people.
In setting up STARboard, each child’s wish will form the foundation of our organisation. By giving children a voice, they will fundamentally shape the way we work, inform the charity’s decisions and guide us in the right direction.
The creation of STARboard is part of our mission to ensure every wish has a life-enhancing, positive impact on each Wish Child and their family.
Our wish children have first-hand knowledge of how a wish comes together and what the experience is like. We believe no one else is better placed to tell us how we can make this happen. Their work will push Make-A-Wish to be the best it can be.
From Spring 2020, the brand-new STARboard will unite a group of eight young people from across the UK who have volunteered to represent their region and fellow wish families, meeting first in our hub and then across various locations in the UK.
From how the board should be run to how the charity can be accessible, inclusive and supportive for the community, STARboard will discuss and advise the organisation on a wide variety of topics that will help the charity better serve all of its communities.
And the benefits of joining STARboard don’t stop there. Our children will have many opportunities for self-development, learning and socialising. Yes, it’s an important role, but we promise it will be fun too!