Media agency Starcom and Channel 4 have collaborated to produce a six-part short film series titled Brave Stories. The series encourages people who identify as coming from diverse backgrounds or marginalised communities to open up about their personal experiences of working in media. Today is the launch of episodes three and four which explore and highlight the journeys of Starcom individuals, interviewed by representatives from Channel 4. In episode three, Lucy Hughes, Agency Sales Lead at Channel 4 interviews three women from Starcom including Elspeth Spelzini (Strategy Director), Claire Kula…
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Starcom and Channel 4 launch Brave Stories to celebrate unique personal experiences from neurodisability to introversion
Starcom and Channel 4 have teamed up to launch a brand-new documentary series encouraging people who identify as coming from diverse backgrounds or marginalised communities to open up about their personal experiences of working in media. The series of short documentaries – titled ‘Brave Stories’ – will celebrate some of the unique voices represented in the media industry and demonstrate the benefits that a diverse workforce can bring to businesses. Each session will explore a different story, highlighting the journeys of individuals who occupy marginalised identities under the protected characteristics…
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