Nearly 6 in 10 people want plastic bag levy to benefit environmental charities

The UK’s 5p levy on plastic bags is proving popular with the general public with a majority saying funds raised should go to charity, according to new research from the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). The mandatory levy was introduced across the UK as a whole in 2015, for plastic bags from large retailers such as supermarkets. CAF research found that nearly eight in ten (77%) of those surveyed said the levy was a positive step to protect the environment. The survey also found that shoppers are adopting new habits since…

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Global Study Of 1.3 Million People Points To Downward Trend In Generosity

A 10-year global study that surveyed more than 1.3 million people reveals that despite a growing culture of charitable giving across dozens of countries there has been a recent downward trend in giving behaviour in some of the world’s wealthiest places. The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) World Giving Index 10th edition report examined aggregate data for each country across 10 years (2009-2018), drawing on surveys in 128 countries in order to capture longer term trends. The survey asks if people have helped a stranger, given money or volunteered for a…

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Welsh Respond To Charity Appeals More Than The Rest Of The UK

The Welsh are more likely to respond to large charity appeals in the run up to Christmas than the UK as a whole, according to new research into charitable giving in Wales. The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) has released its inaugural Wales Giving report for 2019, offering insights into how people across Wales support charities. The report, which adds to CAF’s annual World Giving, UK Giving and Scotland Giving reports, found that people in Wales were also more likely than the UK as a whole to have participated in a charitable or…

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#givingtuesday UK Final Countdown Begins With Flagship Film

This week, Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) and social change company Shape History launched the UK’s flagship film for this year’s #givingtuesday. A truly international event that’s hosted annually across 70+ countries, the film’s launch marks the 40 day countdown to the ‘day to do good stuff for charity’ and it’s not too late for individuals and organisations in the UK to sign up and get involved. #givingtuesday is a global day of giving, led in the UK by CAF and follows the frenzy of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, encouraging…

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