As a part of the national, award-winning End Family Fire program, Brady: United Against Gun Violence and the Ad Council have released a new public service advertisement (PSA) developed by advertising agency, Pereira O’Dell, in an effort to raise awareness among the millions of new gun owners in the U.S. about the importance of secure firearm storage to prevent gun-related deaths and injuries. This comes at a critical moment as firearms have become the number one killer of children and teens in the U.S. and secure gun storage is proven…
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“Safe Stories” National PSA Campaign Responds to Growing Gun Suicide Epidemic
Recently, the Ad Council and Brady, in partnership with dentsu, launched the newest addition to the life-saving End Family Fire program: “Safe Stories,” a multimedia campaign and immersive digital experience that shares the real stories of seven people who contemplated taking their own life by a firearm. The effort, which is told through a book that doubles as a gun safe, encourages safe storage to prevent a personal moment of crisis from turning into a tragedy. Unfortunately in America, 66% of gun owners have at least one unlocked firearm, allowing…
Read MoreNew Research by the Ad Council Research Institute and The Joyce Foundation regarding gun violence announced
In the midst of a growing national focus on Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs), the Ad Council Research Institute (ACRI) and The Joyce Foundation have announced key findings of a mixed-methods study to understand perceptions toward these laws. Results provide guidance for local and national organizations to drive more awareness and understanding of these laws where they are in place. The study also will serve as a cornerstone of the Ad Council’s expanded focus to further reduce gun violence in the United States, building upon existing efforts including the award-winning…
Read MoreThe Ad Council & Brady Encourage Gun Owners to ‘Prepare for Misuse’ with help from McKinney
The Ad Council and Brady have launched the newest addition to the life-saving End Family Fire campaign, “Prepare for Misuse.” The new public service advertisements (PSAs) evolve the campaign’s longtime focus on the dangers of unsecured guns by depicting the broad range of gun violence—including unintentional shootings, firearm suicide, and intentional shootings—that can be prevented through safe gun storage. The PSAs, which will appear nationwide, include a series of digital and TV spots and out-of-home (OOH) created pro bono by creative and media agency McKinney. Family fire refers to a…
Read MoreNew National Campaign Reveals How Safe Firearm Storage Can Help Prevent Suicide
3 in 4 Americans aren’t aware that most gun deaths are suicides. In fact, according to the CDC, 61 percent of all gun deaths in America are suicides—more than homicides and unintentional shootings combined. Brady and the Ad Council released new national public service advertisements (PSAs) for their End Family Fire campaign to bring greater attention to gun suicide and the role that safe gun storage plays in its prevention. The broader campaign is designed to address “family fire,” a shooting involving an improperly stored or misused gun in the…
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