According to the new report, Evolving Aspirations: Navigating Status, what people find aspirational today is quality over flaunted wealth and seeing themselves as the keepers and drivers of their success. The latest volume of the Ipsos and Effie Dynamic Effectiveness series finds that in today’s world of ‘quiet luxury’, audiences prize not only acquiring enough wealth to live a secure and stable life, but also the freedom to enjoy it. It unpicks what this shift in how we perceive success means for marketers, and explains how to communicate and reflect…
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Empathy in marketing isn’t just nice, it’s good for business, new report shows
Empathy is an underrated and powerful business driver in marketing, according to a new report. The Empathy Gap and How to Bridge It, a new report from marketing effectiveness giant Effie and world-leading research and insights organisation Ipsos, found that marketing that demonstrates and generates a sense of ‘empathy and fitting in’ is also an effective way to drive business. According to the report – the second volume in Effie and Ipsos’ Dynamic Effectiveness series, which began with an exploration of the sales and business value of marketing that promotes equality for…
Read MoreNew Effie UK Report, in partnership with Ipsos, reveals that a crisis can be a catalyst for growth
Crisis as a catalyst for growth is a key theme for effective campaigns, according to a report released today by Effie UK in partnership with Ipsos. This report analyses the very best ideas that work from the latest UK Awards Winners alongside some of the finalists from the 2022 Global Best of the Best competition to illustrate wider trends apparent in the home grown winners. Here are the 5 key learnings for creative effectiveness from the report: Be ready for a crisis with a long-term strategyThe report found that winning entries…
Read MoreDespite a decline in support for refugees since 2022, support for the principle of refuge remains high
A NEW global study carried out in 29 countries by Ipsos for World Refugee Day shows that: Three in four adults on average across the countries surveyed support the principle of giving refuge to people escaping war or persecution. Moreover, a third reported that they have taken personal action in support of refugees in the past 12 months. Though public support for giving people refuge remains high globally, views are less positive than in 2022 in a number of countries, suggesting that some of the halo effects towards refugees in…
Read MoreInternational Women’s Day: Global misperceptions of equality and the need to Press for Progress
To mark International Women’s Day, and in the wake of the #MeToo campaign, a new global study by Ipsos in collaboration with International Women’s Day across 27 countries highlights the level of concern people around the world have about a number of equality issues. In the United States, the findings show: Much like the rest of the world, Americans agree that sexual harassment (36%) is the biggest issue facing women and girls today. Sexual violence and equal pay come in as the second biggest concerns with 28% agreeing that these are…
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