Ocean has unveiled a new purpose built advertising sleeve surrounding London’s iconic Marble Arch as extensive conservation works on the monument get underway. Revenue generated by the out of home advertising wrap will help to support English Heritage’s restoration of the historic landmark. Ocean was awarded planning consent to erect a purpose built advertising cover earlier this year. The installation will be in situ for the period of the works which are due to be completed by late 2024. Vodafone, whose network has been awarded Best in London by European…
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Ocean wins planning consent for advertising “sleeve” around historic Marble Arch
Revenue raised will help conservation charity English Heritage repair the London landmark Advertising revenue will help support English Heritage’s major conservation of London’s iconic Marble Arch. Ocean has been given planning consent to erect a purpose built sleeve which will shroud the 19thCentury arch to generate funding for the English Heritage project. In keeping with the architecture of the famous white marble landmark, the covering will be sympathetically designed to illustrate the three main gated arches of the 14 metre tall structure it surrounds. The OOH display, which comprises six…
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