MuslimGiving ends platform fees

MuslimGiving have removed the 5% platform fee for anyone fundraising on the platform. By dropping the platform fee, MuslimGiving will not charge charities in the UK or our global charity partners. Our supporters will raise even more money for great causes. This will enable millions of users to raise funds for causes they are passionate about with zero platform fees. MuslimGiving’s research indicates that supporters prefer to make contributions online rather than in cash. In response, more charities are integrating technology and fundraising platforms into their fundraising strategies and providing…

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MuslimGiving launches new crowdfunding platform

MuslimGiving has unveiled their newest product, CrowdGiving. CrowdGiving launched on the day of Arafat, a day of supplication and sacrifice. They posted the following description of the new product on their website here: On the greatest day of the year for Muslims, MuslimGiving is excited to unveil their newest product, CrowdGiving. Instead of raising money for a charitable organisation, you can now also raise money for a personal or individual cause you are passionate about. Your funds are sent directly into your bank account so that you can access them…

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