Cannes Lions honours Maria Ressa as its 2024 Cannes LionHeart

Cannes Lions has announced Maria Ressa as the 2024 Cannes LionHeart recipient. One of the Festival’s most prestigious Awards, the accolade is given to a person who has harnessed their position to make a significant and positive difference to the world around us. Ressa is the Co-Founder and CEO of Rappler, the top digital-only news site leading the fight for press freedom in the Philippines. As Rappler’s CEO, Ressa has led their battle for truth and democracy, and has endured constant political harassment and arrests by the Duterte government, forced…

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PRSA Announces 2024 Anvil Award Winners

Last month PRSA announced the winners of the 2024 Anvil Awards, which recognize the highest standards of performance for the profession. Silver Anvil Awards single out the best strategic public relations campaigns of the year, as well as outstanding organizational excellence. Bronze Anvil Awards recognize outstanding public relations tactics that contribute to the success of overall programs or campaigns. “This year, we celebrate 80 years of honoring the top PR campaigns and tactics across the country,” said Joseph Abreu, APR, CPRC, 2024 PRSA Chair. “Congratulations to all of our Anvil recipients, and thank you…

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New #Dadication PSAs Encourage Responsible Fatherhood

In collaboration with the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse (NRFC), the Ad Council has launched a new series of public service announcements (PSAs) aimed to celebrate and support responsible fatherhood. The campaign’s latest spots are designed to showcase, encourage, and celebrate the efforts of young fathers overcoming everyday parenting challenges to be active and present in their children’s lives. The new PSAs capture the stories of three young fathers — Alex, Jose, and Sammy…

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ICCO Calls for Urgent Action on Misinformation at UN

On 24th April, at the UNDP’s HQ in Geneva, ICCO’s Europe President Massimo Moriconi called for a coalition of media stakeholders and international organisations to push forward concrete actions to tackle the threat of mis and disinformation. At ICCO’s Europe Forum, a gathering of leading PR experts and national representatives from across Europe and beyond, misinformation was a lead topic alongside ICCO’s other core workstreams including climate communications, ethics, quality standards, next generation, and the next stage of ICCO’s partnership with the United Nations. Massimo shared preliminary results of a…

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Integrity Council confirms Verra and ART meet its high-integrity benchmark

World’s largest carbon-crediting program makes significant changes to comply with rigorous Core Carbon Principles criteria Verified Carbon Standard (VCS, operated by Verra) the world’s largest carbon-crediting program, has met the high-integrity Core Carbon Principles (CCPs) after making significant changes to its procedures, the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market announced as it published the second in an ongoing series of assessment decisions. The Integrity Council Governing Board has also approved the Architecture for REDD+ Transactions (ART, operated by Winrock International) program, which operates globally (through the TREES methodology that…

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