ICCO Calls for Urgent Action on Misinformation at UN

On 24th April, at the UNDP’s HQ in Geneva, ICCO’s Europe President Massimo Moriconi called for a coalition of media stakeholders and international organisations to push forward concrete actions to tackle the threat of mis and disinformation. At ICCO’s Europe Forum, a gathering of leading PR experts and national representatives from across Europe and beyond, misinformation was a lead topic alongside ICCO’s other core workstreams including climate communications, ethics, quality standards, next generation, and the next stage of ICCO’s partnership with the United Nations. Massimo shared preliminary results of a…

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Extraordinary Worldwide PR Collaboration Fights Climate Crisis

An unprecedented 45 PR agencies and industry organisations came together to work for a shared objective – urgent action against climate change. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)’s “Weather Kids” campaign launched on 21st March, with coverage in over 80 markets so far. The Weather Kids campaign features a series of children from around the world taking over local and national TV weather reports to deliver terrifying forecasts from the future. The segments warn viewers of catastrophic risks rising temperatures will bring to people and the global economy in just…

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APRA and ICCO launch enhanced agency quality certification

All member agencies in APRA (Association Of Public Relations) have been required to undergo certification since 2003. In recent years, their focus has shifted towards enhancing the certification process, particularly to better accommodate agencies undergoing certification for the first time, ensuring maximum benefit and relevance. Agencies certified for quality according to the latest version of the Consultancy Management Standard (CMS IV) also comply with international standards for PR ethics, DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). Radek Marsik, Chairman of the Board of APRA says: “As…

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ICCO appoints new Interim CEO

Andras Sztaniszlav has been appointed as the Interim CEO for ICCO, taking up the position on 1st January 2024. The appointment comes as part of a new strategy, creating a robust structure and future-proofing ICCO’s position as the leading membership body for PR associations and their agencies. Andras began his career as a journalist before moving into PR and communications, spending most of his time as an independent strategic communications consultant. Over the last 20 years he has advised governments, corporations, startups, and not-for-profit organisations in multiple countries. Andras is…

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EUPRERA joins ICCO’s Media Information and Education Pledge

European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) is the latest organization to sign ICCO’s Media Information and Education Pledge. They join founding supporters: the Council of Europe, EACD (European Association of Communication Directors), GWPR (Global Women in PR), and The Trust Project, the international consortium of news organizations promoting standards of transparency in journalism. The Pledge, launched in Strasbourg in June 2023, emphasizes the need for representing bodies spanning PR & communications, media, journalism, institutions, tech platforms, and fact-checking to acknowledge a shared responsibility in tackling misinformation, commit to…

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