Co-op unveils bold new brand platform

Co-op Group, the UK’s largest consumer co-operative, has launched a bold new brand platform and integrated campaign to remind the British public of its origins and values.  Co-op is 180 years old and was the world’s first successful consumer co-operative, and the new campaign and brand platform, ‘Owned By You. Right By You.’ was made in partnership with its creative agency VCCP London. The ‘Owned by You. Right By You.’ campaign is launched as a new survey reveals that over 50% of consumers admit they don’t understand what it means…

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Co-op introduces white eggs to support 100% free range offer

Co-op supports 100% free range commitment with the introduction of British white eggs across its 2,400 convenience stores from this week. The leading convenience retailer – one of the first UK supermarkets to ban caged eggs and move to only source British free-range eggs in 2008 – will now sell both white and brown eggs after extending its supply base in ongoing efforts to champion the best of British and support its higher welfare commitment.   The move by Co-op sees the hen breed – Lohmann LSL – known for…

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Co-op net zero targets validated by Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) in a convenience retailer first

Co-op has become the first UK convenience retailer to have its net zero targets validated by the globally recognised Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). SBTi – the global body that assesses corporate climate targets – has validated the leading convenience retailer’s ambitious near-term and overall targets to become net zero across its own operations by 2035, and entire value chain by 2040. Co-op, which operates 2,400 food stores across the UK, is also one of the first companies in the UK to set science-based targets for its forest, land and…

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Co-op pilots’ sustainability payments for British farmers

Co-op announces pilot scheme to financially reward farmers in its beef supply chain for sustainable farming practices. In partnership with its supplier Dunbia, the leading convenience retailer outlines plans to rapidly decarbonise its supply chain in a new ‘Beef Sustainability Pilot’, which will see farmers rewarded for reducing their impact on the environment. The two-year programme will enable Co-op to monitor the impact of integrating sustainable farming practices within its beef supply base. It will also help to provide accurate emissions data and will inform actions on an integral part…

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Co-op launches UK’s first convenience retail media network

Co-op has announced the launch of the UK’s first retail media network in the convenience sector to help brands reach new and wider audiences, while improving advertising relevancy for its shoppers. The UK’s leading convenience retailer has launched the Co-op Media Network to bring together Co-op’s in-house team and its long-term agency partner Threefold – an SMG agency who are the largest operator of retail media networks in the UK – under one recognisable brand identity. The Co-op Media Network will deliver a new proposition that capitalises on Co-op’s strengths…

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