The IPA and Creative Equals are Combating COVID-19 with diversity and inclusion

The IPA, in partnership with Creative Equals, are launching the Diversity Matters: Summer Series virtual events this summer, which will outline how diversity and inclusion will help steer the industry through the Coronavirus pandemic. The free webinars will see D&I champions from across the business and all sides of the industry debate key topics and provide tangible actions for agencies, brands and media owners. Diversity Matters: Summer Series kicks off on Wednesday 10 June with Creative Equals launching their results of their new study with Campaign – C19 Inclusion Pulse…

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Diageo sponsors new ‘returners’ scheme to support female creatives to make a #creativecomeback after a career break

Diageo has been announced as the exclusive sponsor of the briefs for the Creative Equals ‘Returners’ scheme called #CreativeComeback. The scheme is designed to support women in the creative industries in the UK as they return to work after a career break of at least 12 months. The programme, backed by the UK Government Equalities Office, will see 50 women returning to work as art directors, producers, copywriters, data analysts, designers and concept creators take part in a two-week programme that ultimately aims to help place them back into work.…

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Campaign and Creative Equals urge Cannes to #SharetheSpotlight

Creative Equals has teamed up with Campaign to urge the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity to reach a 50:50 gender split in speakers by 2018 as part of the #CampaignforEquality. Out of more than 700+ speakers at this year’s Cannes Lions festival, only 250 speakers are female. While the festival has asked for the industry to put diverse speakers forward, those applying to speak or being put forward by clients and agencies are a long way off reaching gender parity. In a bid to address this imbalance, Creative Equals…

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